Homeopathy is a scientific medical practice which uses tiny doses of natural medicines to stimulate the body’s innate healing capacity.
Homeopathy treats the whole person. A homeopath will strive to perceive the individuals unique physical, mental and emotional
nature and prescribe for the totality of the person rather just focus on the illness or the diseased part.

Homeopathy is based upon the principles of Like Cures Like, called The Law of Similars. Simply stated, this means that a substance that
is capable of producing symptoms in a healthy person, can when specifically prepared in high dilutions, and in very small doses bring
relief or curative response to a person who is ill and suffers from similar symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines are quite safe; they are known to be non allergenic, non toxic and free of side effects. Homeopathic remedies are
made from natural sources, be thy animal, vegetable or mineral. However, homeopathy is not herbal medicine. Those remedies that are
made from herbs are precisely manufactured to potentized substances far beyond their herbal origins according to standards and procedures
set in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Animal and mineral remedies are similarly potentized beyond their origins.


The principles of homeopathy are noted as far back as Hippocrates and observed in the times of Paracelsus and other famous physicians.
However, the principles were first formulated in the 18th century by Samuel Hahneman M.D. It spread quickly through Europe and the
United States and by the turn of the century twenty percent of all physicians were homeopaths.

The advent of Modern medicine and the birth of antibiotics initially held out the promise of curing all diseases, and almost leading
to the downfall of homeopathy in the United States. However, the ongoing struggle with the treatment of chronic disease and the side
effects of some conventional medicine therapies re-birthed the interest in safe, effective therapies such as homeopathy.
Homeopathy can significantly help in the prevention and treatment of illness in children, adults, and animals.


The first visit is generally 2 hours long. During the interview (called case taking), the practitioner carefully and thoroughly
gathers information, including specific symptoms from the client. Significant symptoms include any limitations or restrictions
experienced by the client, and any changes from a prior state of health.

The homeopath will be interested in all aspects of the person. For example; sleep patters, eating patterns, what they love to do,
emotional upsets, traumas, and anything leading up to the current state, including childhood health history, family history and
what makes the current state better or worse.

There are acute conditions such as colds and flus , which can respond quickly and safely to a remedy. This may take less time
in an interview. Homeopathy’s most promising work however, is in the treatment of chronic conditions. This involves finding a
constitutional remedy, or one that fits the entire person. Chronic conditions can include illness on the physical, mental or emotional
sphere. Some examples of this might be arthritis, chronic sinus infections, lack of concentration, low self esteem or long standing grief
or anger. Over time, a profound and positive shift in health and energy is witnessed, as symptoms lessens and disappear on all levels
and health is restored.